When you become so deregulated in your nervous system, what happens is you either become hypo or hyper disregulated. It is either below or above your window of tolerance.
Many people think that numbness is from hypo dysregulation where you feel so exhausted in the pain that you’re experiencing that eventually you “numb out”.
A part of that can be true, but actually numbness is typically from hyper disregulation!
Meaning that when you have so much arousal, so many messages, so many overthinking thoughts in your head, so many tasks to get done, so much pain that you’re experiencing, etc. Your nervous system becomes overloaded that it eventually numbs out.
As opposed to being so “under loaded”/down/depressed.
If you’ve been following my work, you might have heard me say that the nervous system reacts to pain and pleasure. And it’s actually fascinating because when you start building your capacity for pleasure, it actually becomes overstimulating very quickly at the beginning! Because if you don’t know, pleasure to the scale that you know your pain you’re going to have to build that muscle step-by-step.
And that is absolutely what we do in The Pleasure Witch Coven!
The practices is in the coven are ancient 4000-year-old practices! They were the go to that the medicine woman of the community who were teaching everyone as you became of age. Before the church took over with patriarchy and burned the witches.... aka medicine women of the community.
Now we are so distant from our pleasure and these embodied experiences because they don’t want you feeling that individual power inside of you.
If you are depleted and numbed out, if you have used all your energy/vitality, feeling so much pain that you become numb, you’re going to do whatever everyone else says and not listen to yourself, you’re going to take all those pills that the doctor tries to give you, and you’re going to buy all those products to try and make yourself feel better.
But when we slow down, and we actually reconnect to our body THAT is when the numbness starts to shift. THAT is when we can feel SAFE ENOUGH to actually let the pleasure seep in again!
And yes, it’s frustrating as hell in the beginning. I’m not going to lie to you, and I will never sugarcoat this work for you! Because I’m not here to sell you some pill that’s going to put a Band-Aid on your problem! I am here to bring you into a community that has the radical conversation so you can feel safe and validated and you can make actual changes in your nervous system and actually feel safe to feel pleasure so that you can be returned back to your inner power and live your life from there because it is your birthright!
The Pleasure Witch Coven will absolutely get you out of numbness. And I am here holding your hand on this journey! Cheerleading you on!!! Holding that lantern in your darkness ❤️🔥🕯