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The place to bring what you can’t bring anywhere else. 

“I have no one and no where else to talk about these topics with in my life!”

A quote I hear constantly on my coven live community calls that we do twice a month on the new and full moon🌚🌝. 


The thing is is most of us have no community to talk about the woes of our sex lives, pleasure, and trauma to. 

Since you probably don’t have community to talk about these taboo topics with how do you cope with it? You probably just numb out. Shut it down shove it down and try your hardest to forget about it.

That is why the twice a month the live practices with community connection after in the coven are KEY to shifting these things for you! 

Not only do you have exclusive access directly to me, we always start a group discussion where other people are going through the same things as you and it is INCREDIBLE VALIDATING AND HEALING to know you are NOT ALONE in your experience!!! 


Even just the aspect of understanding that you are not alone in your process is so incredibly healing. I am constantly receiving feedback about that particular piece! 


Never forget that men gathered in community to create the systems that oppress us and stole us away from our pleasure, our bodies and our sexuality. If you’ve been reading these emails, you know that your sexuality and your sexual energy is directly correlated to you feeling your personal power. 

So when we come together in community to create radical safe and brave spaces where we can talk about the taboo thing, THIS IS SO HEALING. 

Instantly you realize that it’s not taboo, it’s actually just human! And it downloads in your deeper nervous system to create permanent change. in your body and life. THIS is how trauma is healed and we stop being in the patterns of our pain and numbness.


There is a phenomenon in Tantra, where if you work directly with the most taboo part of yourself, a.k.a. your sexuality, that is what makes the biggest and fastest change in your life.

And then, if you do it in community… It gives you that solid validation in your conscious brain that you were on the right path!

So if you are wavering because you feel that fear to really step into commit to yourself, THAT IS WHY every so often I offer a free live call so you can get a taste of the work we are doing in community in the coven.

If you are on my mailing list you will get the invite of the next one!


There is nothing like not feeling alone in this journey that you are on! 

This is the place to bring anything and all of yourself! 

I am that person that people whisper to “I’ve never told anyone this to anyone ever in my life before”

Well my love, bring it here. Because I will guide you to alchemizing that shame into your power!!! 




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